How To Use Hair Serums

Aren’t hair serums just wonderful? They can solve various hair problems, smoothen even the frizziest hair, and soften your strands in an instant. That sounds almost like a miracle in tiny bottle form! But how often should I apply hair serum, you ask! And are there any best practices on how to use hair serum?

Keep in mind that if you want to fully benefit from your hair serum, you do have to know how to apply it properly to your hair first. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply hair serum! 


1. Pick the best serum for you

Like we already discussed in another article, there are a lot of different serums that suit all sorts of hair types and deal with various issues. 

Objectively speaking, there’s no real ‘best serum’, since it all depends on a person’s individual situation. At the same time, what works for others may not work for you and vice versa.

One thing’s for sure though, do not go for cheap, unknown brands. Hair serums are concentrated liquids, which means that if a little amount can go a long way in improving your hair condition, the same can be said about it damaging your strands as well. Your hair is your crowning glory – treat it the way it deserves.

2. Do your regular hair care routine

This is the first and most important component of how and when to apply hair serum. Before you apply your newest hair serum, make sure to do your regular hair care routine first. This includes washing your hair, applying conditioner, and if it’s that time of the week, using a deep conditioning hair mask.

Once you’re done with all those other steps, that’s the only time when you should add the serum. Why? Simply put, if you put serum on your hair when it’s still dirty or tangled, it won’t really do much good. Serums add a protective layer to your hair’s surface, and this layer is what keeps out the bad and keeps in all the good. If your hair was dirty to begin with, then you’re just wasting the precious serum.

3. Apply the serum to your strands

As mentioned above, a little goes a long way when it comes to hair serums, so definitely don’t go overboard. Just a few drops, maybe 5-6 drops, is fine. If you’ve got thicker hair, feel free to add a few more drops, but if you’ve got thin strands, you could probably get away with just 3-4 drops.

Warm up the serum by rubbing it between your palms before actually applying it on your strands. Also, try to cover as much area as you can. You don’t really have to stay at any particular spot, so just keep moving through your hair. If you have dry hair, however, you may want to focus more on the ends of your hair to give them a bit more protection.

Make sure to run your fingers through your strands as well, just to ensure that you’re covering even the back parts of your locks.

Remember, you don’t have to use hair serums every day, you just have to include it in your regular hair care regimen. So if you only wash your hair thrice a week, that means you should be applying hair serum thrice a week too.

For more tips and tricks about your hair, feel free to stop by at the ZALA blog!

September 10, 2019
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