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Mythbusters: Does 'teasing' Your Hair Damage It?

Have you ever stopped to think: does teasing your hair damage it? Find out whether this age-old practice has adverse effects on your precious locks.

zala brushing hair 100 times a day

Mythbusters: Does Brushing Hair 100 Times A Day Really Help?

On today’s ZALA Mythbusters feature, we’ll explore if brushing hair 100 times a day is really as beneficial as the old adage says.


How To Keep Your Hair Smelling Great

Are you wondering why you can't keep your hair fragrant for long? Here are tips on how to keep your hair smelling great all day...

Hair Extensions Product to Revive Old Hair Extensions

3 Hair Extension Products to Revive Old Hair Extensions

Here's a list of 3 hair extension products to revive old hair extensions!

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The Curly Ponytail Extensions

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