You’ve just snagged some Tape-in ERxtensions, or you’re about to add them to your cart for a remarkable look. Either way, you’re itching to know how do you wash your hair with Tape in Extensions? Well, get ready because we’re about to spill all the tea!
Tape in Extensions are the definition of perfect for adding instant volume, length, and thickness to your natural hair. And the best part? With some routine care, you can slay with these extensions for up to 2 months without removing them.
But washing them is key, so whether you’re washing tape in extensions for the first time or you’re an elite Zala tape in pro, we’ve got your back. So buckle up! There’s a speedy guide ahead that’ll teach you all there is to know about washing your hair with tape in extensions.
Wait 48 Hours Before Washing Hair With Tape Ins
After getting your tape in extensions, it’s time to play the waiting game. Hold off on washing your hair with tape ins for at least 2 days. This waiting period gives the adhesive, or glue, time to bond and securely attach to your natural hair.
A strong bond between your hair and the extensions is essential for a long-lasting hold and an exceptional appearance. Plus, it lengthens the lifetime of the extensions, so you can swing and sway them much longer.
While you’re waiting, wear a chic shower cap to keep your hair dry and your extensions and mind at ease. You’ll be able to shampoo and condition in no time!
Handle Your Hair and Scalp With Care
Gentle is the way to go when it’s time to suds up your tape in extensions. Any vigorous rubbing can loosen the adhesive of your tape ins, so go easy on the scrubbing action.
Instead of cleansing on the rough side, delicately press on the roots and massage your scalp from left to right. This technique will effectively clean your hair without disrupting the placement of the tape ins.
Also, when it’s time to condition, avoid getting any product on the glue, as it can cause the wefts to loosen or even slide off. Remember, a soft touch goes a long way in keeping your hair – and extensions – happy and healthy!
Avoid Overwashing Your Hair With Tape In Extensions
Embrace the “less is more” mantra as you continuously wonder can you wash your hair with tape in extensions. If you wash your hair too often, the bond between the wefts and your natural tresses can become compromised.
Don’t be afraid to get a routine going! It’s recommended to wash two to three times per week or much less if you have curly or wavy hair. This ensures your tape weft hair and natural hair stay strong, avoiding any breakage.
Say hello to your new best friend for those in-between wash days: dry shampoo. Maintaining your scalp’s natural oils is vital to beautiful hair. Just be sure to choose something on the gentle side that’s free of sulfates, alcohol, and parabens to keep all the necessary moisture in.
Brush Your Hair With Tape Ins Only When They’re Fully Dry
Protect your precious locks by making sure your hair is fully dry before running your favorite brush through. Brushing wet hair, especially tape in extensions, can lead to breakage and damage.
When hair is wet, it’s more fragile and prone to split ends and flyaways. Brushing can also loosen the tape in hair tape and pull the wefts from your hair.
Dry brushing is your golden ticket to keeping those wefts intact and your hair extensions lovely. Start from the ends and work your way upwards with gentle strokes to avoid any tugging. Your hair will thank you for it!
Chlorinated Water Is Not A Friend to Your Tape Ins
Keep all the chlorine at bay when it comes to tape in extensions. Chlorinated water is a huge no-no and can also weaken the glue, causing the wefts to detach and ruin the installation.
And another tidbit: Sometimes, the water in homes can contain amounts of chlorine, so think about installing a filter to safeguard your extensions and keep them looking lush. Not to mention, chlorine can do some heavy drying to both your extensions and natural hair.
For all the swimmers out there, if you must take a dip in the pool, wear a swim cap to prevent exposure. Keep that chlorine in check for vibrant extensions!
Buy High-Quality Hair Extensions
Quality is key when shopping for tape in extensions, so choose an honorable brand to get the best of the best. Luckily, Zala offers premium tape in extensions in a variety of shades and lengths with unmatched volume and thickness.
Our double-drawn and triple-wefted extensions are extremely comfy, natural-looking, and durable. And the adhesive on our tape in extensions is strong, so you can trust your extensions will stay put. Be sure to follow our hair care tips for maximum longevity!
Now that you know how to wash your hair with tape ins and the proper way to keep your hair looking amazing, Shop Zala Hair Extensions today for salon-worthy hair!