Popular Hair Extension Lengths
Choosing the right length of hair extensions has never been easier with our wide range of lengths and length guide! Read on as we explore why our product range includes the most popular hair extension lengths and favourite ZALA customer shots.
Popular Hair Extension Lengths
We live for long and thick hair and we love seeing our gorgeous customers embrace their ZALAs! We offer a variety of hair extension lengths and thicknesses with different application methods such as Clip in, Tape in, and Ponytail extensions. These lengths range from 12 Inches to a luscious 30 Inches (for lovers of hair!)
Here is the length lowdown on our most popular ZALA lengths.
12" and 14" Hair Extension Sets
12" and 14" Hair Extension Sets are great value and are perfect for our customers with naturally shorter hair who want to add more volume and some length to their locks. Our 12 Inch range is available in our Clip In , Tape in, and Ponytail sets. For a slightly longer look, our 14 Inch hair extension length is available in our Clip in Range. These lengths are gaining popularity due to enhancing our customers chic look.
Check out these beautiful and thick hair styles created using ZALA 12" and 14" extensions available in many shades including Dirty Blonde #12 and Beachy Blonde #613.
16" Hair Extension sets
16" hair extension lengths are popular with our ZALA customers as they provide a thick and long look which can be styled to see you from work in the day, to dinner at night. Our 16" Extension range is available in Clip in, Tape, and Ponytail sets. Check our our recent blog post on Desk To Dinner Hairstyles for some style inspo.
20" Hair Extension sets
The most popular length in the world, ZALA 20" hair extensions are the true definition of glamorous. This length is sophisticated yet sexy. The beautiful Elle Morris wears her Chestnut Brown #6 20" Quadweft clip in set from ZALA. Our 20" hair extension length is available in our Clip in and Tape in range.

Elle Morris wears her 20" Chestnut Brown #6 9 Piece clip in Quadweft extensions
22" Clip in Ponytail
For our customers who want a longer and fuller ponytail, look no further than our Clip in Ponytail! Available in Human Hair or Keratin Fiber, these clip in ponytails are super easy to install for an instant glamorous look. Just clip, wrap and go!
24" Extension sets
Want mermaid hair? Look no further than our 24" hair extension lengths, available in our Clip in and Tape in range. Chloe Poliwka wears her ZALA 24" Tape in extensions in the shade Ice Queen Platinum Blonde #60.

Chloe Poliwka wears ZALA Ice Queen Platinum Blonde #60 tape in extensions
26" Extension sets
These gorgeous super long ZALA 26" Hair extension lengths are available in our Clip in, Tape in, and Ponytail range. These sets are super popular hair extension lengths among our festival goers. Check out the beautiful Sammy Robinson wearing her ZALA Honey Blonde 26" Tape in extensions.
30" Clip in Hair extension sets
Pure luxury, Our 30 inch Hair Extensions feature premium silky, soft, remy hair. Designed to be the longest and thickest set in the world. With over 300gr of the highest quality hair industry wide. our ZALA 30" Clip in hair extension sets are designed for lovers of super long hair.
What are you waiting for? Longer, thicker hair is just a click away! Our friendly support team are on standby and ready to colour match you to one of our gorgeous ZALA Shades!
Feel free to contact us by email too: support@zalacliphairextensions.com.au or support@zalahair.com
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram to keep up with our favourite customer shots!
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